


whether it is a tube of medicine or a piece of medical equipment, it belongs to the whole complex medical industry, and its complexity is hard for ordinary people to imagine. While treating patients around the world, we also need to take into account constantly changing laws and regulations, to ensure that medical supplies are delivered on time, but also to meet the stringent requirements of transportation, and to deal with the complicated supply chain, logistics is a top priority and life-threatening.

many medical companies around the world entrust this important task to Neptune Logistics. As the top logistics and supply chain expert in the CIS region, Neptune Logistics has a huge logistics network all over the world, global cooperation, with local resources, to help you open up new markets, safe transportation, and ensure supply compliance. Consistently achieve cost reduction and efficiency for medical enterprises, and help the medical industry save lives.


大洋物流集团成立于2005年,其前身为2002年成立的大洋船务团队,总部位于深圳,从传统货代发展到如今横跨中亚、东欧西欧市场的多式联运专家,二十多年来大洋物流厉兵秣马,砥砺前行,积累了丰富的经验,通过了ISO 9001 2015质量体系认证。


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