


The transportation, storage and distribution of products in the chemical and scientific industries should first consider their safety, reliability, environmental sustainability and economic feasibility.

Therefore, there are strict regulations on safety and environmental control, transportation and treatment.

Neptune Logistics meets the most stringent requirements and we will recognize it as the responsibility of freight management safety and environment.

You can be sure that our "safety first" commitment is in line with government regulations and specific handling standards.

Regardless of your market merchandise, intermediate or specialty chemicals, we can provide trained staffing, including bulk, dry bags and elastic fiber super sacks, red room and hazardous materials (dangerous goods) handling, in addition, we also provide red room solutions.

This includes the establishment of: temperature control storage, spark capture equipment and forklifts, oil spill and recovery systems, steam sensors and specialized ventilation systems, safety / fire detection systems and emergency exhaust, small and medium-sized liquid containers.


大洋物流集团成立于2005年,其前身为2002年成立的大洋船务团队,总部位于深圳,从传统货代发展到如今横跨中亚、东欧西欧市场的多式联运专家,二十多年来大洋物流厉兵秣马,砥砺前行,积累了丰富的经验,通过了ISO 9001 2015质量体系认证。


9.00 AM - 6:00PM
86 (0755) 0755-8305 6700
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