


Petrochemical industry is an important resource and basic raw material industry, which has a high industrial correlation and plays an important role in the national economy. The petrochemical industry mainly includes the petroleum and chemical industries, and the industrial chain from top to bottom includes the exploitation of oil and natural gas, the middle reaches of petroleum refining, and the downstream organic chemical and polymer chemical industries.

In the future, China's petrochemical industry will change from speed and scale growth mode to efficiency and quality growth mode. Neptune Logistics has always been concerned about the development of the petrochemical industry, and has continued to provide transportation delivery services for the world's top 500 enterprises, Sinopec and PetroChina.

Through the integration of industry resources and supply chain management, Neptune Logistics has become a comprehensive logistics solution provider for production equipment transportation in the petrochemical industry. In view of the personalized needs of the petrochemical industry, Dayang Logistics is committed to the innovation of service and cooperation mode, and provides more thoughtful and faster logistics delivery services.


大洋物流集团成立于2005年,其前身为2002年成立的大洋船务团队,总部位于深圳,从传统货代发展到如今横跨中亚、东欧西欧市场的多式联运专家,二十多年来大洋物流厉兵秣马,砥砺前行,积累了丰富的经验,通过了ISO 9001 2015质量体系认证。


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